We guarantee live arrival.
In the rare event of deceased fish,
within one hour of carrier delivery, send an email to support@toomanytanks.com.
Please include all of the following in your email:
To expedite the refund process, please include this information in one email. Please no videos or links to photo albums.
We will issue a refund for the purchase price of the deceased fish. Your refund will happen quickly once we receive the information above in one email.
Shipping costs are non-refundable
In the event of a lost package
You can file a claim with the USPS at https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm. Wait 15 days but not more than 60 days to file a claim.
You will need the following:
8445 W Center Rd,
Omaha, NE 68124
Hours: 12-8p
Open 7 Days a week